For those looking for a solid state violet wand with more power than the Neon Wand, look no further! This wand kit from Doctor Clockwork offers about 40% more power than the Neon Wand and has all the advantages of a solid state wand-- an on/off switch, no moving parts inside, and the ability to move and change the angle of wand without distracting interruptions or unexpected variations in the output.
The level of sensation created by the wand can be controlled both by a multi-level intensity dial on base the wand itself, and also by which electrode or accessory you choose to use.
The handset is compact and lightweight. Plugs into a standard 110V US outlet. Kits are available in purple, or orange (kit color refers to the color of the light glowing in the glass electrodes).
Comes with 4 electrodes (medium mushroom, curved ball point probe, comb, and spoon) and a carrying case with cutout foam insert.