Want a super fun and cute way to learn more about STIs? GiantMicrobes are here to entertain, educate, and cuddle. These plush toys are about 5 inches in height, and represent a number of different sexually transmitted infections.
Each microbe includes a printed card with educational and fascinating facts. A perfect gift for students, scientists, health professionals & anyone with a healthy sense of humor!
This little microbe represents Trichomoniasis ("Trich"). Below is more information about Trichomoniasis, courtesy of our friends at Planned Parenthood.
You may have heard of trichomoniasis, or "trich," but many people are not sure what it is. Trichomoniasis (trick-oh-mo-NEYE-ah-sis) is an infection caused by a protozoan-- a microscopic, one-cell animal called a trichomona. Trichomoniasis is often called "trich." More than eight million Americans are infected with trich every year.
Trich is one of the most common causes of vaginitis.
Often, trichomoniasis has no symptoms. Most people are not aware that they have the infection-- especially men.
When people with vulvas have symptoms, they may have:
People with penises rarely have symptoms. When they do have symptoms, they may have:
If symptoms develop, it may take about 3-28 days.
Trich is easily passed between sex partners. It is spread through vaginal intercourse, sharing sex toys, and mutual masturbation if fluids from one partner are passed to the genitals of the other.
If you already have trich, both you and your partner can be successfully treated with prescription medicine.
Keep in mind that you may become infected again if your partner isn't treated. If you have more than one sexual partner, each partner (and their partners) should be treated, too.
There are several ways to help prevent getting trich or spreading it to other people.
See more at: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/stds-hiv-safer-sex/trichomoniasis#sthash.dVrnIEem.dpuf